What is Magnetic Therapy?
Magnetic Therapy is a holistic treatment used to ease the body’s aches and pains that are a result of various injuries and diseases.
Ancient Use of Magnets
Magnets have been used for their healing properties since earliest times. The Ancient Chinese were great advocates of their healing properties; Chinese and Hindu texts dated 2500 years BC described the magnets and their beneficial usage to correct health imbalances.
According to legend, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra is said to have worn a magnetite stone as an amulet on her forehead to preserve her beauty, and she slept on a magnetic bed, and Aristotle and Plato talked of the benefits of Lodestones in their work.
Michael Faraday, also known as the founder of Biomagnetics made extensive discoveries in magnetic healing during the 18th century. His work is still used today as a framework for modern day magnetic treatments.
Modern Science
More recently, scientists have found that magnets can stimulate the circulation and regulate blood flow, encouraging overstretched veins to tighten, and constricted blood vessels to relax, resulting in swelling and inflammation being reduced.
A study on sports injuries also found that by alternating magnets with ice packs on sprains, bruises and grazes, the injuries healed more swiftly.
Earth's Magnetic Field
You may already know that the Earth is essentially a giant magnet, and the magnetic field is what gives us the north and south poles, but it is also there to keep the ozone layer in place to shield us from harmful solar winds and radiation.
Our Body's Magnetic Field
Our bodies are wondrous, biological machines, that continually carry out a multitude of tasks to keep us alive. All of our organs do their jobs without us even thinking about it; our lungs transport oxygen from the air which then goes into our blood stream and our heart pumps the blood around our body to every organ and cell where it needs to be, all on its own!
While this is all happening, every cell in our body produces an electrical impulse which in turn creates our body’s own electromagnetic field. It’s believed that by putting a magnet on or near to your skin, this will stimulate the cellular and chemical healing process, which will increase the oxygenation of the blood and dilate the blood vessels, providing additional oxygen and nutrients to the place in need of healing.
The side effects of this are reduced swelling, better circulation, and an increase in energy.
Biomedical Engineering Study Demonstrates the Healing Value of Magnets
There are few scientific studies carried out on magnetic therapy, but Professor Thomas Skalak has been carefully studying magnets for a number of years in order to develop real scientific evidence about the effectiveness of magnetic therapy. He found that static magnets reduced swelling of muscle tissue by up to 50%.
You can read more about his study here
The Placebo Effect
Some say “it’s the placebo effect” where the power of the mind creates the experience of pain relief or healing, but there are many success stories relating to children and animals who really wouldn’t understand about the effect of magnets on their bodies.
There are no definitive answers as to why a little magnet helps, but there are several theories which could be plausible.
Wearing magnets on or near your skin can help improve blood circulation, which in turn reduces swelling and inflammation and helps to ease pain.
Note; Results may vary. Whilst unable to make claims of a ‘cure’ it is known that wearing a magnet does promote health and well-being. It’s NOT advised to replace conventional medication without consulting your doctor.
Not to be worn when pregnant or wearing implanted medical devices, such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pump or chemotherapy infusion pump.
Neodymium Magnets
All our jewellery has integrated magnets of a minimum strength of 1200 Gauss / 0.12 Tesla, and stronger magnets in the wellness range and select items of jewellery, of 2200 Gauss / 0.22 Tesla.
To give you an idea of how strong these magnets are, the average fridge magnet is approximately 100 Gauss!
We use rare-earth magnets, called Neodymium Magnets, and they are guaranteed to loose only 1% of their power over 100 years.
- ENERGETIX Survery 92%
The findings from an international customer survey of 5,281 participants found that 92% of respondents felt an improvement in their complaints after wearing an ENERGETIX product for 4 weeks.
Try Magnetic Therapy Yourself
I invite you to try it for yourself, along with the millions of satisfied ENERGETIX customers from around the world.
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